Mr. Patout joined our Troop 40 family in 2019. Mr. Patout has served as the Marshmellow Giants Assistant Scoutmaster before being asked to serve as the Troop's Assistant Chairman in 2021. Mr. Patout has shown to be a valuable member of the troop 40 leadership team and believes in Faith and Family first. Mr. Patout currently has two s
Mr. Patout joined our Troop 40 family in 2019. Mr. Patout has served as the Marshmellow Giants Assistant Scoutmaster before being asked to serve as the Troop's Assistant Chairman in 2021. Mr. Patout has shown to be a valuable member of the troop 40 leadership team and believes in Faith and Family first. Mr. Patout currently has two sons, Will and Charles, in Troop 40 with another son currently in Pack 40. In January 2023, Mr. Sowers elected Mr. Patout to serve as the Troop 40 Advancement Chairman.
Boards of Review for all ranks SCOUT through LIFE are to contact Mr. Patout to make an appointment for your Board of Review. All requirements, including your Scoutmaster Conference, should be completed before you request your Board of Review.
Scouts are encouraged to ask Mr. Wrobel about starting a certain merit badge. Mr. Wrobel or Mr. Patout can provide recommendations for merit badge counselors for you to choose from. Scouts have the option to choose their merit badge counselor, however, scouts are encouraged to use the counselors within Troop 40 when they are available.
Troop 40 recognizes our scouts' achievements by hosting quarterly Courts of Honor in May, September, and December. The Advancement Chairman oversees the Court of Honor program. Any scout who is seeking to serve as the MC for a Court of Honor for the Communications Merit Badge should see Mr. Patout to request the MC position.
The Eagle Shepherd in Troop 40 is currently Mr. Tyler Sowers, the Troop Committee Chairman. If you need to begin your Eagle Project or are working on your Eagle Application paperwork, contact Mr. Sowers to make an appointment. You will work closely with the adult leadership throughout your Life to Eagle process. Your Eagle Rank Board of Review members will work with you in the scheduling of your Eagle Rank Review. The Eagle Rank Board of Review will be lead by the Committee Chairman or Advancement Chairman of Troop 40.