Tuesday, May 6
- Submit all completed advancements to Mr. Patout 1 week prior to the Court of Honor.
Three Promises of the Scout Oath
Duty to GOD, Duty to COUNTRY, Duty to OTHERS/SELF
Boy Scouts and Adult Scouters learn best OUTSIDE. 80% of Scouting is Outing. Troop 40 schedules monthly campouts. Our Troop travels to High Adventure Camps/Trips every two years; and every event is planned and voted on by the scouts as this is their program.
"1 week of camp life is worth 6 months of classroom training."
Lord Baden Powell
This program is designed to transform a boy into a young man. Every scout who continues in his scouting journey will learn leadership and service. The rank of STAR and LIFE is really where these character traits begin to unfold in the scout.
Troop 40 serves in the St. Rose Bazaar, Eagle Scout Projects, Community Service Projects, Fish Fry Clean Up, Veteran's Dinner, Flag Retirement Ceremony for American Legion Hall, Scouting for Food, Washing the Retired Fighter Jet at American Legion Hall, and many more Service opportunities.
Tuesday: 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
Meetings Held in the East Hall Cafeteria