Troop 40 has grown since 1950 to become a very well structured troop; however, our troop needs the support of the men and dads as Assistant Scoutmasters to learn and help pass on our near 7 decade traditions. There is no prerequisite and we do not expect you to be an expert Scouter; in fact, most new adults are not or never been in scouting. We need you to keep this fire alive! In Troop 40, all Assistant Scoutmaster are chosen and elected by the Scoutmaster, Mr. Rick Wrobel. The best way to begin is to simply be involved and participate.
We have several positions that are behind the scenes and just as important because we could not function without the "guts" of the Troop Committee. We need both men and women, moms and dads, to assist filling the troop committee positions and we welcome any person willing to spend just a little time making this program better for all our scouts. In Troop 40, all parents join as members of the Troop Committee. Leadership positions within the Troop Committee and Advancement Committee are chosen and elected by the Chairman, Mr. Tyler Sowers. The best way to begin is to simply be involved and participate.
Are you not sure which position is right for you; talk to one of our troop leaders to get more information about what it is each of us contribute. We welcome new adults with open arms and only ask for a little time to help to provide a quality program for our scouts. We need well-rounded dads to be involved and give our scouts another version and example of authentic manhood.