Mr. Sowers is our Chairman and joined Troop 40 in 2002. Mr. Sowers has been the Advancement Chairman of Troop 40 since 2013, and the Committee Chairman since 2018. Mr. Sowers created the Advancement Committee which sets the structure of Troop 40 with a purpose of keeping Duty to God within the Scout Promise. He coordinates the senior rank advancements in Troop 40. Mr. Sowers is an Eagle Scout of Troop 40. He also served as the previous Eagle Scout Chairman of Skyline District.
As the Assistant Chairman, Mr. Barlow coordinates the Lower Rank Advancements in the troop and stands in place of the Chairman in his absence. Mr. Barlow is an Eagle Scout passing on the values of Scouting. In 2017, Mr. Sowers elected Mr. Barlow to serve on the Advancement Committee and in 2019 was elected to serve as the Assistant Chairman of Troop 40. In January 2021, Mr. Barlow accepted the role of 'Eagle Shepherd' for Troop 40 scouts in transition from the Life to Eagle rank.
Mr. Patout joined our Troop 40 family in 2019. Mr. Patout has taken the responsibility to be the Marshmellow Giants Assistant Scoutmaster, along with Mr. Bernat. Mr. Patout has shown to be a valuable member of the troop 40 leadership team and believes in Faith and Family first. Mr. Patout currently has one son, Will, in Troop 40 with two other sons currently in Pack 40. In 2020, Mr. Sowers elected Mr. Patout to serve on the Troop 40 Advancement Committee and also serves as our most valuable Crey Coordinator for our Annual Crawfish Boil Fundraiser.
Ms. Fritz has recently been appointed our new Membership Coordinator in 2020. Our Membership Coordinator front lines the membership needs of the troop for both adults and youth, especially during our recharter season. Ms. Fritz has one son, Max Fritz, currently in Troop 40.
We are thankful to have Deacon Ed Herrera serving as our Chartered Organization Representative. He brings decades of scouting experience to the table as he is a long time member of Troop 40. Ed Herrera serves as a Deacon for St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church.
Mr. Swint is an Eagle Scout of Troop 40 and serves a valuable role in the troop leadership; he coordinates our annual Trail Camp each year which is our largest campout each year and allows scouts to use props or costumes to follow a competitive and entertaining theme.
Mr. DeLeon grew up learning important skills from his father, not knowing that these same skills are what we teach in scouting. Mr. DeLeon joined Troop 40 in 2015 and has become a valuable member of the Troop 40 Family. Mr. DeLeon heavily assists Mr. Swint in our troop's largest annual campout Trail Camp.
Ms. Waller has come to be a valuable and positive force within Troop 40. Since she joined over 7 years ago she took on her first position as the Troop Training Coordinator. Since then she has added 2 highly important positions to her scouting resume within Troop 40. She proudly serves as our Barbque Coordinator (our troop's largest fundraiser), Training Coordinator, and has recently taken the position of our Troop Treasure. Mrs. Waller is mother of Troop 40 Eagle Scout, Nathaniel Waller-Grey; and has also been asked to serve as the District Training Chair where she serves proudly.
In Troop 40, all parents join as members of the Troop Committee. Leadership position within the Troop Committee are chosen and elected by the current Troop Committee. The best way to begin is to simply be involved and participate.